My Bucket List

I started this list in the year 2003 with the intention of finding things to look forward to in my life. I had just gone through a lot of big changes - falling in love with someone who couldn't return it, changing my major (which was a HUGE deal for me) and facing my childhood sexual abuse head on. I was in a depression and was struggling to find my grounding again. My Reslife Supervisor, Lissa, told me about a woman who made a list of 100 things to do before she died and encouraged me to do the same.

So, here it is. My list, my past, my present, my future. My only rule is to complete at least one a year and to complete any that are made available to me financially. Here is my written account of these accomplishments.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

10. Perform in the Vagina Monologues

The first time I ever performed in the Vagina Monologues I did the piece called "The Vagina Workshop". It's about a woman (with a British accent) who goes to a workshop because she hasn't had a "magical, mystical orgasm" in over two years and she's become frantic! So, she draws and describes how she views her vagina, looks at it with a hand mirror and finally gets in touch with her clitoris, discovering connection between her body and herself. It was a joy to perform! I messed up at one show and skipped like a whole page of dialogue, but other than that, it was awesome.

It was my junior year of college and I had come out as bisexual only two months before. Mom wouldn't come to the show. It really hurt my feelings, but she just wasn't comfortable. I talked to Dad on the phone a few weeks before the performance and he said, "Why didn't you ask me if I would go? I like vaginas!" So he came!

The experience changed my life; it really opened my eyes to a whole new level of awareness about myself and my body.

I produced, directed and performed in it in 2006 at North Central College. I did the piece "I was in the Room". I made sure to hand the responsibility of directing off to capable hands (ie. my sister) and it has become an annual thing! I have no doubts that I'll be directing it again in the future. It empowers women and changes their lives. How could anyone NOT want to be a part of it?

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